Join us for our Annual Palm Sunday Luncheon

We invite you to join our community for our annual Palm Sunday Luncheon. The Luncheon will take place on Sunday, April 9, following the Divine Liturgy in our Anastasia and Spiro Davis Grand Hall at the Annunciation Cathedral - 514 Parker Street, Boston. 

Tickets for the event are $30.00 for adults, $20.00 for college students, and $10.00 for children under 12 years of age. Please reserve your seating in advance, as there is a limited seating capacity. 

You can purchase your tickets during coffee hour on Sunday, following the Divine Liturgy, or by calling the office of the Annunciation Cathedral at (617) 731-6633. If you are a college student, and wish to purchase a ticket, please email Jack Bushell at for more details. 

We look forward to celebrating Palm Sunday together as a community!